
New multipurpose heavylifter delivered

After a long wait, the first Groot Ship Naval Architects-designed newbuilding of the LakerMax series, BBC Leer, has been delivered from the shipyard to the Briese Group.

BBC Leer, which will work around the world, is a multipurpose heavy-lift triple decker, that comes with two Liebherr LS 250 cranes, more than 2,800sqm of unobstructed space on the weather deck, a cargo intake of almost 26,000cbm and more than 5,000 sqm covered floor space under deck.

She is certified to sail with open hatches and is designed to still fit the St Lawrence Seaway and the Great Lakes. In total there will be 14 more vessels of the LakerMax series following BBC Leer.

Ships Montly - January 2024

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