
Largest cargo ship visits Poole

On 10 October 2016 the Port of Poole welcomed one of its largest general cargo ships when the 116m x 18.3m Antigua Barbuda-registered Glory (2006/6,393gt) called for the first time at the end of a voyage from the Swedish port of Malmo. However, it was the onward destination that was a talking point at the Dorset port.

Glory berthed alongside Bulwark Quay where shore cranes loaded bagged building materials, prefabricated structures as well as containerised machinery and tools for construction projects on Tristan da Cunha, one of the world’s remotest islands in the South Atlantic, accessible only by sea and where every ship’s arrival is regarded as a notable event by the 275 islanders.

Tristan da Cunha lies 1,750 from South Africa from where the only regular passenger service departs Cape Town for the six day passage. Glory completed loading operations at Poole during the afternoon of 12 October and sailed later that day.

Photo and report by Kevin Mitchell

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