
About Ships Monthly Ships Monthly magazine is the world’s number one shipping magazine and Britain’s best-selling monthly magazine for ship lovers. Read by seafarers and enthusiasts all over the world, it contains a unique mix of shipping and maritime news, broken down by ship type, with sections focussing on ferries, cruise ships, warships, preserved vessels, tugs and cargo ships. The features, written by experts in their field, cover ships old and new, historic shipping companies and their vessels, modern cruise liners and passenger ferries, warships and naval vessels, profiles of docks and harbours in the UK and around the world, and personal accounts of voyages on ships round the world. Every issue contains an interview with the captain of a ship. In addition to the latest happenings in the shipping industry, the Ship of the Month feature goes behind the scenes on a significant ship to give readers an all-round insight into the world of ships and shipping.

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BOURNEMOUTH BELLE: Bournemouth Belle Becomes Sark Belle

An August charter replacing Isle of Sark Shipping’s Bon Marin de Serk, after a gearbox failure, ended with the Channel Islands company purchasing the...

ARV 1: Equinox Offshore

Built in 1979 as Diana II for Viking Line partner Rederi AB Slite, and later Mare Balticum and Meloodia, the ferry was purchased by...

IRISH SEA: Stena Line high-speed cuts

Irish Sea fast craft operations continue to decline, with Stena Line selling 86m catamaran Stena Lynx III in addition to withdrawing Belfast-based HSS1500 vessel...

FAST FERRY: Condor 10 leads way to South Korea

As well as Stena Lynx III, another well-known UK-based fast craft has left for South East Asia, Condor 10 departing Weymouth for Malta in...

PORT NEWS: Public Inquiry Into Charges

Dover Harbour Board came under fire from ferry operators as a public inquiry into the level of its charges for 2010 and 2011 started....

EUROPE: Europe Looks At The Future Of Ships

Europe has lost a good deal of its shipbuilding volume to Asian yards but its maritime industry is continuing to examine potential trends that...