
Damen PSV delivered to Wilson Sons Ultratug Offshore

Wilson Sons Ultratug Offshore, a joint venture between Wilson Sons and the Chilean maritime services provider Ultramar, has taken delivery of a Damen PSV...

First vessels berth on Green Port Hull quayside

The newly constructed berths built as part of the Green Port Hull development on Alexandra Dock in Hull welcomed their first vessels on 11...

Crowley christen new tanker

On 12 August 2016 Crowley Maritime Corp. took delivery of West Virginia, the fourth new, Jones Act product tanker built for the company by...

Ports of Cork and Bantry report good trade

2015 was a very good year for the Port of Cork and subsidiaries. The combined traffic amounted to 11.02 million tonnes compared to 10.15...

New Damen Fishery Research Vessel ordered

The Damen Shipyards Group has received an order for a state-of-the-art, 74 m Fishery Research Vessel from the Angolan Ministry of Fisheries. This special...

Panama Canal takes LNG ships

The Panama Canal marked another milestone on 25 July 2016 with the transit of the first-ever liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier through its expanded...
Ships Montly - January 2024