
New gas carrier Taebaek Explorer named in South Korea

The naming ceremony for the gas carrier Taebaek Explorer was held at the Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries Co shipyard in Yeongam, Jeollanamdo, South Korea...

BigLift Shipping move big cargo across the world

BigLift Shipping’s heavy transport vessels CY Interocean I and CY Interocean II have recently been busy transporting a jacket and topside from Italy to...

Launch of first Olympic CSOV at Ulstein Verft

On Saturday 6 April the CSOV Olympic Boreas was launched from the dock hall at Ulstein Verft, Norway. The vessel is based on the...

Tailwind takes on extra tonnage to curtail Red Sea disruption

Tailwind Shipping, the German-owned container line and subsidiary of Lidl, has taken on charter a number of small-size container ships, to make up for...

Damen Shipyards and CMA CGM to cooperate on increasing container ship efficiency

Damen Shipyards Group and leading shipping group CMA CGM are beginning a cooperation that will ultimately result in around 10 of the latter’s vessels...

Samskip continues network expansion with new Spain-UK-Rotterdam service

Samskip is set to launch a shortsea container service connecting Santander, Tilbury and Rotterdam, delivering the service reliability, security and sustainability advantages of intermodal...
Ships Montly - January 2024