
Damen Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam delivers 38m Beam Trawler to Rederij Long Ships

Damen Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam delivered a 38m Beam Trawler to Belgium-based Rederij Long Ships during October.

A special ceremony took place on the quayside of the appropriately named ‘Beam Trawler street’, in front of the Flemish Fish Auction in Zeebrugge.

During the naming ceremony the new vessel was christened Z91 Franson by  godparents Shirley Cattoor and Chris Cocquyt.

The Z91 Franson introduces a brand-new design, the BT3808, which features the maximum tonnage and length permitted by the Belgian Maritime Inspectorate. Designed with optimised propulsion, the new Beam Trawler provides a high level of comfort and is outfitted with proven technology.

The hull was launched into the water in Poland during the pandemic and was then transported to Stellendam in the Netherlands for further outfitting.

Rederij Long Ships owner Eddie Cattoor was impressed that Damen Maaskant had managed to deliver the fishing vessel on time, given the challenges brought about by Covid-19.

Rederij Long Ships was founded in 1934 by Eddie’s grandfather. This latest addition to the company’s fleet will replace the vessel Z90 Francine. It will be used to fish year-round in the waters of the North Sea and the Skagerrak and, in the summer, the Bay of Biscay.

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