
IRISH SEA: Another Superfast taken by Stena

Stena Line remain tight-lipped over the deployment of Stena Superfast X, which joins their fleet early in 2015. Although an appearance on the Irish...

BALTIC SEA: Sirena Seaways leaves the North Sea for Estonia

Within hours of her arrival in Esbjerg on 29 September following the final sailing from Harwich to close a DFDS route with a history...

SPANISH LINKS: End of road for LD routes

LD Lines have closed recently-opened routes from France and Spain to England and Ireland after what was described as a ‘business review’. Norman Atlantic...

CHANNEL ISLANDS: Condor purchase trimaran

Condor Ferries finally completed the purchase of Austal 102 in late August, with the trimaran due to enter service between Poole and the Channel...

CHANNEL ISLANDS: Commodore Clipper out of service

Condor Ferries’ freight and passenger services from Portsmouth to the Channel Islands suffered disruption after ro-pax vessel Commodore Clipper (1999/13,460gt) had to go to...

HEBRIDEAN ROUTES: Western Isles milestone for car ferries

This year brings the 50th anniversary of the introduction of drive-on/drive-off car ferries in the Western Isles. David MacBrayne put the side-loading Hebrides into...
Ships Montly - January 2024