
Newest ship in Stena Line’s Baltic Sea fleet Stena Estelle officially named

On 3 September 2022, a ceremony was held to name the new ferry Stena Estelle which has entered service on the Gdynia-Karlskrona route. The champagne...

EU Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion (WASP) Project to host conference at SMM 2022

The EU-Interreg North Sea Region project ‘WASP: Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion’ will convene ship owners, wind-assisted propulsion technology providers and academia at the SMM...

Wärtsilä to supply propulsion for world’s largest aluminium catamaran

The technology group Wärtsilä will supply the engines, waterjets, and fuel storage and supply system for a new high speed catamaran ferry. The vessel is...

Fire on board ferry Stena Scanidica

A fire occurred at 1229 on 29 August 2022 on the ferry Stena Scandica while she was en route from Port of Norvik in...

Emissions from Viking Line’s vessels have decreased by a third in 15 years

Over the past 15 years, Viking Line has succeeded in reducing carbon dioxide emissions from its vessels by nearly a third. Environmental investments have been...

Ships Monthly September 2022 issue out now

The September issue of Ships Monthly is out now, and is packed with all the usual news and features, including many outstanding articles and...
Ships Montly - January 2024