
SHIP REPAIRER: First order for shiprepairer

On 11 April Director André Hollander and Sales Manager Theo Kloosterman announced the first ship repair order for Damen Shiprepair Brest (France). Bourbon’s Anchor Handling TugSupply vessel Alcyon became the first vessel to use the yard since it came under the new management. The vessel arrived just two weeks after the acquisition of the former Sobrena Yard in Brest by the Damen Shipyards Group.

The 53m anchor-handler belongs to the French offshore and subsea provider Bourbon Offshore Surf, which specialises in Subsea Umbilicals Risers Flowlines (SURF) services. The work included a complete external paint programme, repairs of tank coatings and major steel renewal in the fore peak area. Damen Shiprepair Brest is a well-established repair yard with three dry docks, the biggest of which measures 420m by 80m, making it one of the biggest in Europe.

Ships Montly - January 2024

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