
MISC Berhad naming ceremony of FSO Benchamas 2 project

MISC Berhad (MISC), a maritime solutions and services provider, held the naming and delivery ceremony of its new Floating, Storage & Offloading (FSO) facility for Chevron Offshore (Thailand) Limited (COTL), FSO Benchamas 2, on 12 March 2018.

The project marks MISC’s maiden foray into Thailand’s offshore Oil & Gas sector as well as its first partnership with COTL in the offshore space.

The contract for the lease and operations FSO was secured through an international competitive bidding process and was signed between MISC Offshore Floating Terminals (L) Limited (MOFT) and COTL in August 2016.

The FSO will be deployed for a full field development for COTL at the Benchamas field in the Gulf of Thailand. Conversion works for the FSO Benchamas 2 Project commenced in early 2017 and completed as planned.

FSO Benchamas 2 Project took over 2.2 million man-hours to complete, with zero Lost Time Injury (LTI).

MISC’s President/Group Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Yee Yang Chien said “FSO Benchamas 2 is a significant achievement for MISC, being our first collaboration with Chevron in the offshore segment. We are honoured for the trust and opportunity given to MISC for us to work together with COTL towards the development and sustainability of Thailand’s oil & gas sector.”

FSO Benchamas 2 has a storage capacity of 650,000 barrels with 12 years design life without dry-docking.​​

The ceremony was held at MMHE West Yard, Pasir Gudang, Johor and attended by COTL’s President Mr Pairoj Kaweeyanun, Lady Sponsor of the FSO, Mrs. Nuntana Kaweeyanun, MISC’s President/Group Chief Executive Officer, Mr Yee Yang Chien, Vice President of Offshore Business Unit, Tuan Syed Hashim Syed Abdullah as well as management and representatives from COTL, MISC, MHB and other guests.


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