
Damen unveils new Multi-Purpose Support Ship (MPSS)

Latest Damen design an answer to increased use of drone technology at sea to meet today’s defence and security challenges Damen Shipyards Group has unveiled...

March issue of Ships Monthly out now

SHIPS MONTHLY March 2024 The March 2024 issue of Ships Monthly is out now, and is packed with all the usual news and outstanding articles...

Portugal contracts Damen to build Multi-functional Naval Platform

Portugal’s National Defence Ministry has contracted Damen Shipyards for the design and construction of a so-called Multi-functional Naval Platform. The €132 million multi-purpose vessel is...

Griffon Hoverwork awarded design and feasibility work by Canadian Coast Guard

The Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) has asked for engineering design consultancy services from Griffon Hoverwork to update their current air cushion vehicle (ACV) design...

Austal USA delivers EPF Flight II vessel to US Navy

Austal USA, Mobile, Ala., formally handed over USNS Cody (EPF 14) to the US Navy recently as representatives from both parties signed official delivery...

Ships Monthly February 2024 issue out now

SHIPS MONTHLY February 2024 The February 2024 issue of Ships Monthly is out now, and is packed with all the usual news and outstanding articles...
Ships Montly - January 2024