Two Damen Combi Freighters 3850 (Noordvliet and Zuidvliet) and the Damen Combi Coaster 2500 MV Anita have recently been delivered by Damen Shipyards Bergum in the Dutch province of Friesland as the market for smaller vessels enjoys a revival. The specialised yard, part of Damen Shipyards Group, builds vessels in the 8200, 2500 and 3850 series. The Combi Freighters 3850 Noordvliet and Zuidvliet have already been deployed in regular service from the Baltic States to the Black Sea, transporting project-specific, bulk and non-bulk cargoes.
The Damen Combi Coaster 2500 MV Anita (pictured), a sea/river vessel, has been chartered by Vertom USC Holding, a Rotterdam-based tramp shipping agency. Among other things, Anita can transport 54TEU, or a total of 2,500 tonnes of dry bulk goods, steel, or other types of cargo.