
Successful delivery of new tug to Adani Vizhinjam Port

The Indian Register of Shipping (IRClass) has commended Kanagawa Dockyard Co Ltd, Kobe, Japan on the successful delivery of tug, Dolphin NO. 29 on...

Manor Marine announces the completion of latest Wind Farm Service Vessel

Manor Marine announced in late August 2020 that their latest vessel build for the offshore wind sector, Manor Endurance for Manor Renewable Energy (MRE),...

Damen Harlingen completes repair project on Vlieland ferry

Damen Shiprepair Harlingen (DSHl) has recently completed a repair project to Rederij Doeksen’s passenger/car ferry Vlieland. The vessel operates a ferry service across the Wadden...

IMO helping to mitigate the impacts of MV Wakashio oil spill in Mauritius

The ​IMO continues to support international efforts to respond to the oil spill in Mauritius, following the break up of the MV Wakashio. IMO and...

CalMac plans range of upgrades during dry dock

West cost ferry operator CalMac is making some significant fleet improvements during this year’s dry docking maintenance programme. Every year each of the company’s 34...

Ships Monthly Sept 2020 issue out now

Ships Monthly September 2020 issue is out now.  Get your copy here:   NEWS Waterfront news – New ro-pax for Isle of Man Steam Packet, shipbuilding orders...
Ships Montly - January 2024