
RFA Cardigan Bay remains at Portland

A pay dispute involving merchant seamen has delayed vital work on the RFA’s Cardigan Bay, a ship that has been playing a key role...

Damen signs with WUZ Port and Maritime for ASD Tug 2111

On 12 September 2024 Damen Shipyards Group signed a contract with WUZ Port and Maritime for an ASD Tug 2111. The vessel will be...

Ocean Infinity’s remotely supported offshore survey vessels

Houston-based marine robotics company Ocean Infinity received DNV’s Statement of Compliance for the remotely supported operational concept for the Armada 78 fleet of offshore...

Damen to build vessels for offshore and dredging activity in Arabian Gulf

Damen Shipyards has started a construction programme of three shallow draft multipurpose support vessels at Albwardy Damen in the UAE, in anticipation of an...

Höegh Autoliners sells off another ageing vessel

Norway’s Höegh Autoliners has continued to offload older tonnage, as the 19-year-old Hoegh New York exits the fleet with the company looking toward its...

Carnival Vista back in service

Carnival Vista cruise ship, which had been undergoing repairs at Port Canaveral, welcomed guests back on 15 September 2024. Earlier this month, the Carnival...
Ships Montly - January 2024