
NEWBUILD: Sparkling new bulker

Representative of a new series of box-hold cargo carriers being turned out by Japan’s Onomichi yard is the 37,000dwt handy-size bulk carrier Ansac Pride, which is owned by a subsidiary of Asia Holdings Limited (AHL) and which has just taken up a five-year contract to transport bulk soda ash for the American Natural Soda Ash Corporation. The five-hold crane-equipped ship is the fifth of eight being built for AHL, with the remaining three vessels, all bulk carriers of the same size, to be delivered between 2014 to 2016. The earlier vessels acquired by the company are the smaller Victoria Harbour, Uni Auc One, Clearwater Bay and Orient Sunrise. JS

Ships Montly - January 2024

Norsepower completes installation of its rotor sail on the bulk carrier Yodohime

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