
CHEMICAL TANKER: Detained at Portland

The port of Portland has hosted two visitors recently which have caused the authorities problems. First, the cargo ship Westwind II got into difficulties during a storm in October 2011 and dragged her anchor before running aground. When she called at the port, it was found that her crew had not been paid since June 2011. The ship was arrested after claims her anchor had damaged commercial mussel beds in the harbour. The charity Apostleship of the Sea was trying to assist the crew, who had no money to get home.

Meanwhile, the chemical tanker Global Star, due to be scrapped in India, came to the port in January to refuel, but the captain had no means of paying. She was ordered not to leave over safety concerns after an MCA inspection, but after being refuelled, the 8,000-tonne ship continued her journey. Ports around the world were subsequently notified.

Ships Montly - January 2024

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