
Wagenborg introduces EasyMax ships

Royal Wagenborg of the Netherlands has placed its first EasyMax multipurpose vessel, the 14,300dwt Egbert Wagenborg, in service following the 149.95m by 15.90m ship’s completion at Delfzijl by Royal Niestern Sander.

Using a bridge forward and straight stem design, the relatively narrow ship has been completed to Finnish/Swedish ice class 1A requirements and features two long box-shaped cargo holds providing a total of 625,000 ft3 with a notation that the ship can sail without hatch covers when over-sized freight is being carried under certain conditions.

Portable bulkheads for the holds also allow the separation of different grades, types and lengths of cargo. Propulsion is proved by a six-cylinder MaK M32C diesel rated at 2,999kW driving a controllable pitch propeller to give a service speed of 11.5 knots and a daily fuel burn of between 9 and 11 tonnes.

Report by Jim Shaw

(Caption: The 14,300dwt Egbert Wagenborg is the first in what is to be a series of EasyMax multipurpose ships for Holland’s Royal Wagenborg. Photo: Royal Niestern Sander)
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