
HEAVYLIFT BARGE: Panama lock gates delivered

In October Crowley Maritime Corp’s heavylift barge 455 4 delivered the first in a series of new gates for the Panama Canal expansion project....

Ferry latest: Another Red Funnel upgrade

Red Funnel is to invest £2.2 million on a major interior refurbishment for a second of the three Raptor class ferries maintaining passenger/vehicle services...

BALTIC FERRIES: Eckerö celebrates 20 years

When Finlandia left Helsinki’s West Harbour on 2 August on the first of two daily return crossings to Tallinn, it marked 20 years since...

New Lifeboat: New Suffolk life-saver

The new Lowestoft lifeboat showed her style in front of hundreds of supporters and well-wishers who came to welcome her to her new home...

Freight route: Freight link getting busier

In just over 18 months Belgian operator Cobelfret’s Portuguese freight link has gone from strength to strength, necessitating a series of capacity increases. The...

Work boat: Largest fast crew boat

Australian Shipbuilder Incat Tasmania has delivered the 70m Fast Crew Boat (FCB) Muslim Magomayev to Caspian Marine Services as the first vessel it has...
Ships Montly - January 2024