
First CoCo Yachts Coastal Cruiser 448 delivered to Zan Fast Ferries

First CoCo Yachts Coastal Cruiser 448 delivered to Zan Fast Ferries on 28 November 2019, the first of two CoCo Yachts Coastal Cruiser 448...

Strong financial returns for Scotland’s ferry operator

Innovation and dedication have led to a successful year for the UK’s largest ferry operator. Transport and logistics operator, David MacBrayne Ltd, which operates...

Brisfjord secures well contract

CNOCC Petroleum Europe Ltd., has secured the services of Platform Supply Vessels from K Line Offshore and DOF to support its 2019 drilling programmes...

World’s first hybrid powered cruise ship to be named in Antarctica

Hybrid powered expedition cruise ship Roald Amundsen will be named in the autumn, as Hurtigruten announced the first ever ship naming ceremony in Antarctica. Instead...

Ships Monthly July 2019 edition out now

The latest issue of Ships Monthly is out now. As well as all the latest news, it includes the following features: US NAVY FOCUS –...

Naviera Integral signs contract with Damen for Fast Crew Supplier

Mexican offshore contractor Naviera Integral has signed a contract with the Damen Shipyards Group for the delivery of a new Fast Crew Supplier FCS...
Ships Montly - January 2024