
Damen’s Fast Crew Supplier FCS 7011 completes sea trials and heads to Netherlands

After five years of market consultation, research, design, engineering and construction, the first of Damen’s ground-breaking Fast Crew Supplier (FCS) 7011 class has completed...

AET completes its first ever LNG bunkering in the US

On 9 October 2021 AET, a leading owner and operator of maritime transportation assets and specialised services, completed its first ever LNG bunkering in...

Tallink charters two ferries for COP26

Tallink's cruise ferry Romantika arrived on the Clyde on 12 October 2021 to begin a charter providing accommodation services for the UN COP26 conference...

ADNOC Logistics and Services acquires six line boats from Albwardy Damen

ADNOC Logistics & Services (ADNOC L&S), the shipping and maritime logistics arm of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has contracted Damen Shipyards...

World’s first bunkering of containership with renewable synthetic natural gas

In a world-first for the maritime sector, the containership ElbBLUE,  owned by German shipowner Elbdeich Reederei and operated by charterer Unifeeder, bunkered 20 tons...

Brazilian navy training ship NE Brazil visits London

The Brazilian navy’s training ship NE Brazil (U-27) made her annual visit to the Thames in October 2021 and was expected to go alongside...
Ships Montly - January 2024