
CRUISE & MARITIME: New flagship for 2015

Cruise & Maritime Voyages has chartered the 46,052grt Grand Holiday from the Carnival Corporation for the 2015 and 2016 cruise season. Renamed Magellan, she...

US WARSHIP: Houston wreck identified

The US Navy has confirmed that a wreck found on the bottom of the Java Sea is USS Houston, a cruiser sunk by the...

PORT NEWS: French port expansion

The Ports of Normandy Authority is partway through a €40 million expansion program at the port of Cherbourg in connection with offshore wind farm...

HEAVYLIFT BARGE: Panama lock gates delivered

In October Crowley Maritime Corp’s heavylift barge 455 4 delivered the first in a series of new gates for the Panama Canal expansion project....

RO-RO SERVICE: Suardiaz to develop Biscay crossing

Spanish company Suardiaz has secured €3 million of Motorway of the Seas money from the European Union’s Marco Polo II programme to fund expansion...

Ferry latest: Another Red Funnel upgrade

Red Funnel is to invest £2.2 million on a major interior refurbishment for a second of the three Raptor class ferries maintaining passenger/vehicle services...
Ships Montly - January 2024