
BULK CARRIER: Indian Navy foils pirates

A bulk carrier that featured in a well-publicised grounding off the Norwegian coast in 2009 (see SM, Oct 2009), the 26,758dwt Full City, has...

SHIP LOSS: Tragic loss of Yarmouth Navigator

After having safely made the journey from the river Dart, where she had been laid up for a number of years, to Plymouth Yacht...

MERCY CRUISE: Cruise of kindness

A cruise not so well publicised, and not available to the general public this year, was that of Mitsui OSK Lines’ 1989-built cruise ship...

HISTORIC SUBMARINE: New home for historic Russian submarine

The Russian Foxtrot class submarine U475, which has been a semi-permanent fixture on the river Medway at Rochester, could soon be moving to a...

BULK CARRIERS: Handymax log movers

Louis Dreyfus Armateurs SAS of France has become the first shipowner to order the new B.delta37 standard bulk carrier design drawn up by Finland’s...


Germany’s Germanischer Lloyd (GL) has become the leading classification society for Wind Turbine Installation Vessels (WTIVs) after having secured mandates for newbuilding classification on...
Ships Montly - January 2024