

The 2013 Welton Mini-Ship show will be held on Sunday July 28th at its usual location – Welton Village Hall, Ryland Road, Welton, Lincoln,...

NEWBUILD: New chemical tanker

The name of the first ship built by DSME (Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering) of South Korea has been revived after 30 years. The...

IMR VESSEL: Ship of the year

The recently completed Inspection, Maintenance and Repair (IMR) vessel Seven Viking (11,266gt), designed and built by Norway’s Ulstein for a joint venture owned by...

More new Great Lakers

Canada’s Great Lakes fleet is being rejuvenated with the addition of a number of new bulk carriers ordered by Canada Steamship Lines (CSL), Algoma...

CONTAINER SHIPS: Big boxboats debut at Southampton

Five brand-new container ships made their debuts at Southampton during May as newbuilds continue to visit the port (see SM, July). The first was...

OLD TUG: Historic tug sinks

In April the vintage tug HMRT Golden Cross got into difficulty during high winds, which caused her moorings to break. The 58-year-old vessel drifted...
Ships Montly - January 2024